Co-Owner, Joey Pauline and Creative Designer, Hallie Lopes stopped by our DailyLook headquarters to air out some dirty laundry. They put together a few key looks featuring their signature pieces and took us through, The Laundry Room - a place you can go no matter how dirty you get… and wash away the stains of adventure.
DL: Tell us how The Laundry Room came about.
Joey: It’s a totally by chance story! We were all garage sailing one afternoon and found a guy who had like, 50 vintage Levis. We bought them all and messed with them that afternoon. I came up with a way to print intense graphics without removing the pocket. We threw them in our store and they flew! So, we kept doing it.
DL: What drives your creative process?
Joey: Coffee. When I drink too much coffee, I start designing. Which is all day, everyday. If you’re next to me at a red light, you’ll see an overly caffeinated dude listening to hip-hop way too loud with his hot girlfriend in the side seat.
DL: Coffee has been known to be the driving force behind creative genius! Where do you guys draw inspiration from?
Joey: I’m a road warrior. We’ve made up so many of our graphics on road trips. It’s the perfect setting - the road… the music… the caffeine pills. They all align for creative magic
DL: Tell us about the, “Meat Me In California” shirt. Bet there’s a great story behind that one.
Joey: I believe it was created somewhere on the Grapevine… it had something to do with In-N-Out and a sexual innuendo. It was literally a dream seeing Beyoncé wear it at the Superbowl After-party. It’s been said that the secrets of “the meat” are unfolded when you reach a certain level of intoxication.
DL: That’s incredible, perhaps we can conspire to unleash the secrets on your next road
trip! Describe to us who you feel The Laundry Room’s girl is.
Joey: Style is an outward expression of your inner personality. Our line is sexy, funny, rebellious, and spontaneous… so is our girl!
DL: We couldn’t agree with you more! Well, thanks Joey. Come back and hang with us real soon.
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